Plastic surgery in Bangkok – Buccal Fat Removal at HERS CLINIC
Buccal fat removal is removing the fat from the cheeks
Hello everyone! I’ve headed to Bangkok (again haha) for my Buccal fat pad removal! Buccal fat removal is removing the fat from the cheeks. I’m actually blogging from Day 2 of my surgery and I am so so so SO SO HAPPY 😆
After doing a year of research and checking on forums, I decided to go to Dr Naruichit (Dr Joe) from HERS Clinic in Bangkok, who is specialised on Buccal fat removal.
Why did I decide to go for Buccal fat removal?
1) I want a SMALLER FACE
Buccal fat is the same as cheeks fat, or some people call it “baby fat”. You know when you pinch a baby’s cheek and go “SO CUTE” yea that’s our buccal fat! Normally when we age, the buccal fat will go away but mine is still there!! Sigh I didn’t age properly 😞
From the picture below, the left face is the buccal fat we have when we were babies. The right face is what will happen to our buccal fat as we become adults – Some of us will lose the buccal fat when we become adults but if we don’t lose it, the buccal fat will drop downwards and fill your lower cheeks with fat.
The downside of having baby fat as an adult is having a BIGGER and CHUBBIER face, which is not aesthetically pleasing. Aka not pretty 😖
The video for buccal fat removal is quite graphic.. but watch it! When I watched the video I have that huge urge to pull out that yellow fat from inside my mouth 😂 The video is sick and not for the weak (DAMN! It rhymes) but it’s like one of those “satisfying” videos
2) It is very EFFECTIVE!!
There are 2 layers of fat in our cheeks:
1) Fat under our skin
2) Buccal fat (beneath the muscle)
Fat under our skin is usually caused by eating unhealthy food. It can be removed by Mesofat or Liposuction on the face but usually the results are not very obvious. Why? Look at the picture below! It only takes up around 1/5 of our skin layer so of course removing it won’t make any much difference 😔
The MAIN CULRPIT of our fatty cheeks is our buccal fat. That’s why although I changed my diet to a non carbo one, my cheeks still remain fatty af… 😭 Dieting only affect the fat under our skin which is negligibly little.
The results from Buccal fat removal is ultra extreme if removed correctly. Below are some results from Hers clinic. SO COOL RIGHT!! You can see more pics in the link here:
3) It is a very SAFE and small surgery (as compared to jaw bone shaving etc)
The surgery only uses local anaesthesia in your cheeks and the whole surgery was NO PAIN!!! I’m serious! I will talk more about my experience in Part 2 😌 The anaesthesia used is actually the same as the one in dental clinics. Just imagine you’re going to a dentist LOL. To be honest it’s even better than going to a dentist because I hate dentists they always give me pimples from their dirty equipments URGH
The buccal fat surgery is a really small procedure and the whole procedure is so short.. about 30 minutes. More like a “lunch time treatment” LOL Go in and sleep for 30 minutes and poof you’re done! THAT IS REALLY EASY!
There are also not much risks and complications for removing your buccal fat. You don’t have to go back to the clinic to remove whatever stitches because they use absorbable stitch and the incision is super small. I can’t even feel my incision with my tongue now 😂
Unlike jaw bone shaving which may result in the lost of bone structure and skin sagging, the buccal fat removal will not result in any skin sagging. And the downtime for recovery is much shorter than the jaw shaving surgery. No offence but I’m kinda against jaw bone shaving after reading about all the warnings on realself.com. It’s really dangerous and there’s many side effects in the future like premature aging etc
Why did I decide to go to HERS Clinic?
1) Hers Clinic is famous and very SPECIALISED on Buccal fat removal
There are quite a few Thailand forums for all the plastic surgeries but the most famous one is DUNGDONG. It’s like our YAHOO forum and people just post reviews of their plastic surgery experiences.
If you take your time to study, you will notice that most of the patients who did their Buccal fat removal were from HERS Clinic. All these reviews on Dungdong are written by the customers so confirm they’re reliable.
In my opinion, more customers = doctor more experienced on the buccal fat removal. Dr Joe is specialised on buccal fat removal anyway! Afterall, you won’t want a doctor who’s specialised on rhinoplasty to do your buccal fat removal. In fact, the most important thing for doing a plastic surgery procedure is selecting your SURGEON, not the clinic.
I kinda stalked Dr Joe over the internet and realised how experienced is Dr Joe. He was even a Lecturer on Bucceal fat pad removal at ABLS Thailand Conference! He’s the doctor who did all the buccal fat removal in HERS Clinic since the opening of the clinic so no doubts about his skills 👏 And also no doubt for my stalking skills 😈 His name is Dr Naruichit but I think his english name or nickname is Dr Joe
2) The results of the buccal fat removal in HERS Clinic are impressive
Most of the other doctors only managed to remove a small amount of fat, but Dr Joe from HERS Clinic removes the correct amount of the fat in the whole lower cheek area. I know the results are great because I’m blogging from Day 2 and I’ve seen my results 😱 👍 👍
3) Dr Joe uses the best technique for Buccal fat removal
One thing you need to make sure is that your skin is tight after the buccal fat removal. If not, your buccal fat may be removed but your face may still appear big and round because the skin is not tightened. Dr Joe tightened and stitched up the incision really tightly so that there won’t be any sagging.
4) Price is affordable!!
The price of buccal fat removal is really reasonable (19900 baht = about 800SGD). Cheap and good! 😄 Although the price should not be a main factor to select the doctor you should go with, it is really a reasonable price for the surgery and for the best buccal fat surgeon.
At about 3pm, I reached Hers clinic. The clinic is located right beside a MRT Station so quite easy to find. Hers clinic is super modern and very clean! I’m a person who’s very anal about all the interior designs but I’m gonna rate this interior a 5/5 😂
When I took this photo of the reception desk, the staffs were like super excited and they were like smiling and posing for the picture. So cute!! 😆
Hers clinic has 2 storeys but I did my surgery and everything at the first floor. They have a washroom at the 2nd floor.
Pre surgery & consultation
At about 3.30pm, I had my consultation with Dr Joe. Dr Joe was super kind and he can speak fluent English! He is also extremely patient and answered all my questions. His desk was full of diagrams and those science sculptures HAHA It’s like he prepared all these sculptures just for explaining the buccal fat removal to his patients 😂
Initially I always thought that the fat under our skin is the fat that affects the roundness of our face but no, it’s the buccal fat. And buccal fat cannot be removed by liposuction so the only method is by buccal fat removal surgery. Dr Joe explained shitload of things to me and all the things he told me are in Part 1.
He marked the area of my buccal fat (the circle part) and jaw muscles (the shaded triangle) with a marker. Please take a moment to appreciate the circle coz seriously the circle on my buccal fat area is the BEST CIRCLE I’ve ever seen in my life 👏
After the consultation, they took more pictures of me and the nurse gave me some painkillers + antibiotics. Then I waited at the sofa and took some last selfies of my baby cheeks. You can tell that my cheeks aren’t even on both sides. The left is much much fatter the right and Dr Joe said it’s because my left cheek has more buccal fat LOL. Goodbye baby fats I won’t miss you! 😤
Surgery time!
The whole procedure was literally NOT PAIN AT ALL!! I did threadlift and 水光针 before (something like restylane booster) but the buccal fat removal is even less pain than those. It’s even better than going to a Dentist 😷 👍
The surgical theatre was white and comfortable. The Nurses ushered me to lay down on a flat surgical bed and they took a few pictures of me when I was lying down there. They strapped a blood pressure thing on my arm to measure my heartbeat and kept it on for the entire surgery. Tbh it was quite annoying at times 😂 Whenever I hear my heartbeat getting faster, I felt I was too nervous and I tried calming myself down but end up my heartbeat got faster! So the nurse held on to my hand the whole while 😂 But let me tell you – I WASN’T NERVOUS! I WAS EXCITED OK.
Dr Joe came in and sprayed a numbing liquid in my mouth. At first I thought he was only going to use a numbing spray for the surgery so I kinda freaked out. But in fact, Dr Joe used the numbing spray to numb my entire mouth, tongue and throat so the anaesthetic injection became painless .
Usually Doctors will go straight ahead to make the anaesthetic injection without the numbing spray and they will tell you “you will only feel pain for this anaesthetic jab” blablabla *rolling my eyes* but I still feel the pain alright! But Dr Joe was different. He used the numbing spray first, so that the anaesthetic injection was painless. Dr Joe is such a kind soul 😇
Dr Joe then made a tiny incision in my left cheek and started pulling the fat out. He told me what’s he gonna do every now and then, which made me feel super assured because I knew what was going on during the whole surgery. I couldn’t feel anything though so I just listened to the jazz music in the surgical theatre throughout the whole surgery 😴
I showed my family the pictures and they said the fat looks kinda cute haha. And my teeth looks so straight here 😂
After that the whole procedure was PAINLESS from the start to the end.. throughout the surgery, Dr Joe kept asking me to swallow my saliva. I expected to taste some salty blood but I didn’t taste anything 😳 Probably because my tongue is numb from the numbing spray. Dr Joe was also super kind! He kept encouraging me like “VERY GOOD” “open your mouth” “close your mouth” “VERYYY good!”. You know those words made me feel like I’m the BEST patient EVER.
After removing the fat on my left cheek, Dr Joe sewed my incision with adsorbable stitches and he spent some time making sure the stitches are tight. He told me it’s important to make it tight so the cheeks/skin will not sag after the fat are removed. The last thing I want is having my same old round face because of the loose skin even though the fat was removed 😪
When the left cheek was done, Dr Joe asked me to use my tongue to feel the left cheek and the right cheek. I WAS SHOOK!!! My tongue couldn’t even feel any fat on my left cheek – it was like there’s an empty space. And my left cheek felt so much lighter as compared to my right cheek!
Dr Joe handed me a mirror and when I looked into the mirror, I literally went “OH MY GOD”. You guys knew my left cheek was much bigger than the right cheek before the surgery. But now my left cheek is so much smaller than the right one 😱 😱 😱 You can see it for yourself! The first 2 pictures are before surgery and the next 2 pictures are right after my left buccal fat was removed.
For the rest of the surgery, I was MAD EXCITED just thinking about how slim my face will be after the surgery 😆 The surgery was a breeze and before I knew it, it was over! Total duration about 40 minutes. But it definitely felt less than 30 minutes! Both sides came out equally proportionate after the buccal fat was removed.
After the whole surgery, Dr Joe asked me to smile for some photos and I smiled so big despite having numb cheeks. I mean c’mon I’m DAMN HAPPY!! You have no idea how elated I felt – painless and superb results immediately! 😁 And the results are definitely better than in the pictures!! Somehow I wish I can bring my fats home! If the custom officer asks me “what’s that?” I can proudly declare “My baby fat that I’ve lost 😎 “
Of course after the surgery, the swelling started to develop gradually. The nurse told me the swelling will be at its worst on Day 3 but after Day 3 the swelling will gradually subside. By day 10 it should be more or less OK. Can’t wait!! I’ll update you guys on the results yea
Post surgery
Right after the surgery, I was sent to a recovery room and was given a tight face mask with ice packs stuffed near my cheeks area. I rested on the comfy recliner for about 30 minutes, and then they gave me a light therapy to help with the recovery.
The light therapy was something like a facial treatment with just light shining at me, but my eyes were covered so I couldn’t see the light. It was so calming I fell asleep on the recliner 😅 I think I was tooooo tired from my early flight. Did I told you guys my flight was 6.55am and I had to wake up at bloody 4am… Kid you not I wish I could spend the night on the recliner 😂
I was given my medicine after that and the medicine box was super cute! I will talk more about my recovery in my next blog post (Part 3). That’s all for this blog post! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me: winnie.aimikyoto@gmail.com